Friday, June 26, 2015


This week has been a very sad week. A wonderful lady who has been coming to me for tshirts for 2 1/2 years now, passed away day after fathers day. She had a long battle with cancer, and she sure fought so hard every day! I didn't work with her, or knew her as well as others, but I am so glad to have known her at all! She was so kind! And after Lua passed away she wrote to me such encouraging things when she was having struggles of her own! Anyone could see that she loved her family so much and how important they were to her! She was such a wonderful person, and it is really sad to see all the amazing people leave this earth, when the world really needs every decent person it can get! To her family that is left behind, I am so sorry for your loss! I am hoping for peace to fill your hearts as you start your new journey with out her. 

Also this week, a baby I had been following since joining a trach group, passed away At 6 months old. It always gets so hard for me to see trach babies go, mostly because I can feel the exact pain the families are going through, and I don't wish that pain on anyone. He was a pretty amazing baby too, you can see more of their story by following Team Drew on facebook, the link here

For his parents too, I am hoping they are able to have peace during this very difficult time that they will be going through. So sorry for their loss. 

I would love to write more but my 3 year old has a case of the chatties today and cannot stop talking for more than 5 seconds right now, making it super hard to concentrate on anything! Guess it is time to get outside and make her run her energy off! 

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