Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Today I am feeling a little more hopeful, not for any reason in specific and I almost don't want to admit that I'm feeling this way because it might just be a distraction or something? But I think you can only stay down for so long before you have no choice but to start to go back up. And we have another ultrasound appointment in November so I will always have another chance to feel really upset about the situation. I think it was because May went to 4k really well today! She didn't cry on the way to school, or when we walked in, or when she hung her backpack up. She got a little nervous but she even let me walk in with her with NO TEARS! Gave me a hug good bye and just did So Well!! It was a really nice break! I did bribe her with going to the mall after school so that might have been the trick! Or maybe I'm feeling a little better because after eating some cookies yesterday little Mr. got Very active for awhile and has been on the move since, or what I am assuming is moving? Moving and hiccups anyway. But hey whatever gives you hope right? I also finished a very large order of tshirts, so I am glad that has been completed. Anyway today feels good so I figure I should relish in it!
Went on a lunch date with this guy I've been seeing for awhile ;) (my husband!) So I have been caffeinated which can explain some of it as well.. I haven't had caffeine for awhile, so this could have been a shock to my system as well. And it is also hard to be really depressed when you see all the pretty trees and fall scene all around.
Other wise there really isn't much else to update on.. I have an appointment set up to meet with the Neenah hospital next week to see if we can deliver there, I am really hoping they will agree to it and transfer to Madison if we need to because that would be so much closer than any other hospital choice we have. One thing at a time!

Our little tree is looking pretty beautiful, and there is this HUGE pumpkin at May's school so we were able to take some pictures with it! May enjoyed that a lot.

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